HI JELLYBEANS! yay my first post this year! lol. k I'm here to update you all about the CNY music video.
Monday (28/01/08)
2-3pm (tentative - see how fast we can do it)
*Dont forget that 4-6pm have this bian cai class thing.
BRING house tee and blue skirt (girls) or white shorts (guys)
Bring anything you think is useful for the mv (flowers? drums? props?)
and your ENTHUSIASM! and SMILE =D
oh and justin better rmb to bring your video cam or else a murderer called yuning will strangle you and eat you up.
*No worries if u cannot be present due to other commitments. Just inform someone first.
Now I shall put up the lyrics of the song we are shooting. It's a medly of 3 short songs.
欢迎大地回春 枝头多多花如锦
原野层层草如茵 燕子飞来寻旧巢
大地万象更新 蝴蝶翩翩舞轻盈
蜜蜂嗡嗡采花粉 情侣漫步暖风里
桃李争放 红白相映
柳暗花明 水绿山青
小鸟歌声唱不停 大地万象新 嘿!
欢迎大地回春 蝴蝶翩翩舞轻盈
蜜蜂嗡嗡采花粉 情侣漫步暖风里
春天到来百花开 蝴蝶蜜蜂把花儿采
岸上杨柳绿油油 春花齐盛开
哎哟依哎哟 春花齐盛开
春天快要到人间 人人迎接这春天
这是一个好春天 带来欢乐和笑颜
春的早晨是新年 人人等待这一天
大家迎接新一年 好好来过幸福年
年年佳节在春天 远方客人来拜年
趁着春天在眼前 大家快乐大团圆
一日之计在于晨 一年之计在春天
赶快努力在少年 莫要辜负好春天
迎春花儿开 人人爱
迎春花儿处处开 呀幸呀幸福来
幸福来呀幸福来 大地放光彩
迎春花咱们大伙儿栽 嘿嘿哪的呀呼嘿
大家唱歌过新年 长出一个好春天
嘻嘻哈哈 祝你过着快乐年
大家唱歌过新年 长出一个好春天
嘻嘻哈哈 祝你过着快乐年
We shall give each of you a copy of this lyrics on Monday recess. But just read through it first and get an idea. The tune is quite simple and i think we jellybeans can surely do it! If we cant, just mouth the words. lol.
*If you want to listen to the song, msn me and I shall send you. In case you dont noe, my msn address is
oh and since im already posting. Here are the stuffs you need to bring/hand in on Monday.
Bring thermometer!
Bring Graph paper!
Hand in Science practical book! (with corrections)!
Do page 87 of 1A Chinese TB!
Bring chinese foolscap and dictionary for si1 han3!
Complete chinese reading comprehension (hand in on Tuesday only).
Lang arts project (JIAYOUS JELLYBEAN!)
oh and if you can, leave a tag, so i noe like how many ppl saw this post. lol thanks! =D
ok off to chiong lang arts. =D